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BC Amateur Sport Fund

The BC Amateur Sport Fund

National Sport Trust Fund

The BC AMATEUR SPORT FUND (BCASF), previously known as the National Sport Trust Fund, is a philanthropic gift-giving program, established through the Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations (CCPTSF) for the development of amateur sport on a national level.

The CCPTSF (or as it is sometimes referred to – BC Amateur Sport Fund) is a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association (RCAAA) with the Canada Revenue Agency (#88938 6868 RR0001).

One of the functions of the CCPTSF is to manage a national fundraising initiative for amateur sport. This permits Canadian sport organizations to raise funds for specific causes that will promote the development of amateur sport in Canada. The organizations that have registered projects are responsible for both the fundraising and the expenditures related to the funds raised. Over the last few years, the CRA has accepted the uniqueness of the BCASF while, at the same time, strongly suggesting the implementation of policies, procedures, and documentation to ensure ongoing compliance with CRA policies.


Donations can be made here: