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The Big White Ski Club is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run club which has been in existence for over 60 years due to the generous help of our members.  We encourage all families to get involved – whether it is helping at a BBQ, race, officiating, or giving of your time and talents to our organization – we can only do what we do with the help of you!


Each year our club comes up with NEW ways to fundraise. We have hosted BBQs at our club cabin or Ski Cross Races, Pub Nights, Gala Events, Movie Nights, etc. Please watch our website, Instagram & Facebook pages to keep up with any upcoming events. Volunteers are needed at EVERY event so please reach out to our Social Committee if you'd like to get involved.

Our most significant fundraiser though is our SKI BOARD & SPORT SWAP. Due to the sheer size of it, all club All BWSC families are strongly encouraged and relied upon to volunteer for this major fund raising event.  

Volunteer at the SWAP

Our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year!

 This fun community-building event is an opportunity for us to kick off the season and meet new families who have joined the club.

The Big White Ski Club SWAP operates 100% through volunteers; your help is needed and appreciated!

All BWSC families including Blazer families, Sponsors and Alumni are relied upon to volunteer for this major fundraising event - it's an all hands on deck event.

Every family is required to contribute a minimum of 2 shifts at the ski swap.

As an added benefit, those who meet their minimum volunteer ski swap commitment, will have the opportunity to purchase up to 3 items Friday night of the swap (before the public event).

Volunteer Awards!

Outstanding Volunteer
2022 Tyrone Thompson
2021 Sonya Jezik
2020 Todd Cashin
2019 Kim McCauig
2018 Charlene McMillan
2017 Tara and Dale Krebbers
2016 Alan Rasmussen/Gary Callaghan
Outstanding Official
2022 Chris Lawson
2021 Sharon Cashin
2020 -- Non-Race Season
2019 Gabor Fricska
2018 Dennis Pilon
2017 Russell Kirby
2016 Brad Serwa
2015 Rob Entwistle
2014 Sandie Hales



  • Blazer Half Day>> minimum 6 credits
  • Blazer Full Day>> minimum 8 credits
  • DEVO>> minimum 10 credits
  • U12>> minimum 12 credits
  • U14>> minimum 14 credits
  • U16>> minimum 16 credits

There are many opportunities to fulfill your volunteer credits throughout the season. Questions? email


Races require a lot of volunteers. Every race your kids attend is run by volunteers. There are tasks for everyone, whether you ski or not - watch your email for event specific signup info. BWSC hosts at least two races every season.

On-snow positions include hand-timers, gate judges, course crew (slippers), start and finish roles, course area setup (usually the day before) and more.

Off-snow positions include lunch preparation (for volunteer bagged lunches), volunteer check-in, race office team, and sometimes the club hosts a BBQ for athletes.

All families are required to volunteer for at least 1 shift at every race, regardless if your child is participating in that event.



(Stay tuned for the 2023/24 race calendar)


If you feel that your gifts, talents and time could be used in support of our ski club, we would be happy to hear from you!  

Parent Liaison

*1 Volunteer Required Per Age Group (Devo, U12, U14, U16/U19)

The duties of the Parent Liaison include but are not limited to:

  • Communicate via SportsEngine to parents regarding upcoming races and/or events while working with your team’s coach 

  • Organize group rate for hotels when there are races at other mountains

  • Organize social events within the team, such as team dinner(s) at away races.

  • Provide race results ( and photos (received from parents) to our media liaison for press releases 

  • Encourage parents participation in various volunteer needs throughout the season

  • Distribute raffle tickets to all families in your age team.  Ensure that all families return their stubs before deadline (follow up where necessary).

  • Coordinates coach gifts for year-end awards celebration

IT & Tech Support

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: Approx. 2 hours per month.  More in June and Fall
  • Role: To manage the various digital systems the club uses
  • Duties:
    • Manage permissions and access according to the direction of the Board President for all sites including Sports Engine, Asana, Volunteer management system, eventbrite, google drive etc.
    • Support Executive members with technical needs.

Role Filled By:

2024/2025: Jeff Lundgren (U14 Parent)

Grant Researcher

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment:  8 hours throughout the season
  • Role: To research and apply for ski club grants
  • Duties:
    • Search monthly on the internet for possible grants for coaches, equipment, events, building projects
    • October: Apply for RBC Sports Day grant for hosting Big White Blazers open house
    • December: Apply for Grant in Aid from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area E Director.  ($2500 donated in 2014/15)
    • Nov- January:  Apply to Viasport for event money for races
    • February: Apply for BC Gaming Money
  • Put your amazing internet search abilities to great use!
  • BC Amateur Sport Fund
    • Commitment:  4 hours per season
    • Duties:  Correspond with the BC Amateur Sport Fund to track any deposits made to the Big White Ski Club.

Role filled by:


Temporarily filled by: Dave Veitch
(Alumni Parent and current Treasurer)

Graphic Design

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: 2-4 hrs/mth throughout the year
  • Role: To create compelling marketing materials that highlight our kid’s awesomeness!
  • Duties: Create banners for our website, newsletter templates, event posters, and other marketing templates and materials as needed.
  • Your creative flare and talents will be put to great use and much appreciated.

Role filled by:


Website Administrator

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month throughout the year (more in June and early Fall)
  • Role: To keep our website content, updated for our current program offerings and events/races.
  • Duties:
    • Liaise with Board members and coaches to update website content, prices and programs
    • Update board member and coaches email addresses both on the control panel and the website contact page

Website or HTML experience or knowledge is an asset for this role, but not required.

Role filled by:


Social Media & Communications

* Multiple Volunteers Required

  • Commitment: 1-3 hrs/week throughout the year (more in September/October)
  • Role: To post current events to our website (announcements) and social media sites.
  • Duties:
    • Liaise with Board members and coaches to update website content, Instagram and Facebook pages
    • Take photos and videos of training and races and create organic social posts weekly during winter season.
    • Create and schedule posts for specific events (registration, ski swap, holidays etc)
    • Create and schedule weekly coach bio posts (info has already been gathered)
    • Share relevant posts
    • Acknowledge our sponsors
    • Celebrate podium results by BWSC athletes with posts and help with content for Press Releases.

No coding experience necessary.  We use a site that is easy to manage and update.

Role filled by:


Parent Liaisons and Social Committee will assist with this role

2023/24 Social Media supported by Tobi Zawalik (Blazer & Devo parent)

Media Relations

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: 1 hrs/ week during ski season
  • Role: To let the world know about our amazingly talented kids.
  • Duties:
    • Collect information from regarding race times and podium positions.
    • Write and distribute press releases to the media.
  • Put your writing talents and connections to great use.  The kids deserve it!

Role filled by:


Temporarily filled by: Diana Veitch
(Alumni Parent and Coach)

Committee - Corporate Sponsorship

* 2 Volunteers Required

  • Commitment: 2-4 hrs/mth
  • Role: To coordinate with our Program Manager (Trevor Haaheim) to seek funding from corporate community members.
  • Duties:
    • Solicit businesses for donations through our sponsorship program or for individual events (pub nights, golf tournaments, ski gala, etc)
  • Got connections? We would love to have them (and you) support our club and the ability to develop great skiers.

Committee Members

Vacant (2)

Committee - Social

8-10 Volunteers Required

  • Commitment: 4-6 hrs per month from Oct-April
  • Role: Helps with the coordination of our annual Ski Gala/ Social Events.
  • Duties:
    • Various positions within the committee including organizing social events, fundraising, decorating, etc.  Help with a little or help a lot – it is all appreciated.
  • Fun-filled position in which your inner Martha Stewart/ party planner can shine!

Committee Members

  • Committee Coordinator: Amir Shahidi (Devo/U12 parent)
  • Blazer/Devo Parents (4)
  • U12 Parents - (2) Vacant
  • U14 Parents - (2) Vacant
  • U16 Parents - (2) Vacant

Cabin Manager

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: 2-4 hrs/mth during ski season
  • Role: Organize cabin crews (parent volunteers) and maintain the ski club cabin.
  • Duties:
    • Fix/coordinate repairs, shovel snow, and check on and ensure the club cabin is locked.
  • Perfect for that handy kind of guy or gal.

Role filled by:

2024/25: Todd Ramsay (U12 parent)
Supported by Dave Veitch (Alumni)


*1 Volunteer Required (2-year commitment) 

  • Commitment: Varies throughout the year from 2-5 hrs/ to 16 hrs. per month
  • Role: Registrar is responsible for the registration of all programs including  Entry Levels, U12, U14, U16, U19,Cross, Masters
    • May:  Review pricing and propose next year rates and any program amendments to the Executive.
    • June: updating and preparing registration site to open by June 30.
    • July-September : 3-4 hours / week, updating registrations, communications, payments. Ensure Devo and older athletes are registered with BC Alpine etc
    • October: 2 hours / week, updating registrations, communications, payments etc
    • November: 2-3 hours / week, finalize all information, answer emails, ensure all athletes, parents and coaches are registered with BC Alpine etc
    • December: assist Blazer Coordinator if / as needed.  Manage registration group numbers, waitlists, assign all athletes to their sports engine teams (as directed by Blazer Coordinator and Blazer Head Coach for Blazer groupings).
    • January-March: 1-2 hrs a week. Assist Blazer Coordinator if / as needed. Manage any registration cancellations; create registrations for Blazer races.
    • March - April: Year end management.  Registration for banquet, team apparel.

Role filled by:

2024/25: Cynthia Thomas
(U16 & U12 Parent)

Blazer Coordinator

*1 Volunteer Required (2-year commitment) 

  • Commitment: Varies throughout the year from 1-2 hrs/ to 16 hrs. per month
  • Role: Blazer Coordinator
    • September-November: assist Registrar if/as needed
    • December: 2-3 hours/week, Send out informational communication to all members explaining the program, how and where to meet each morning, chaperone expectations etc.
    • January: 2-3 hours/week, working with the DIBS Volunteer program to ensure weekly signups are fulfilled
    • February – March: 2-3 hours/month, working with the registrar for registration for Blazer races, sending communications out regarding same.


2024/2025: Kyla Kruger
(DEVO & Blazer Parent)

Supported by Ashley Weber (U12 & Blazer parent)


*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: 8-10 hrs per month
  • Role: To assist the Treasurer with the financial records of the Big White Ski Club.
  • Duties:
    • General bookkeeping using Quickbooks, input data, generating financial statements, and reconciling accounts.
  • WOW – are we glad to have your help!

Plus Race Account Admin:

  • Commitment: 4-6 hours per month during ski season
  • Role:  Tracks racer account balances for the U12 and up racers.
  • Duties:
    • Receive reports from coaches, record entries into Quicken, and track balances.
  • No accounting/bookkeeping experience is necessary.  If you can type – we want you!

Role filled by:

2023/2024: Kim McQuaig
(Alumni Parent, past Treasurer)

Raffle Coordinator

*1 Volunteer Required

  • Commitment: Approx. 10 hours split up over three key times during the season
  • Role: To organize our yearly ski club raffle.
  • Duties:
    • Solicit grand prizes, apply for a gaming license
    • Organize professional printing
    • Distribute tickets to members (log ticket numbers) Dec/Jan
    • Collect all tickets (validate ticket numbers) and prep for draw in the spring
    • Complete gaming report after the draw

This is an important fundraiser for our organization which helps with the purchase of equipment, keeping and hiring great coaches for our members and keep our costs down.

Role Filled By:

2023/2024: Amir Kahtahmi